tech stack

What about the tech stack?

I developed in Java. As web framework I used Microprofile / Quarkus. It’s a smart choice when you want to go serverless. For the frontend javascript react with material ui (mui) is performing perfectly.

As source code repository I use gitlab.

Lets have a look at the infrastructure for production. Nowadays using a cloud is standard. I opted for google cloud plattform (gcp). In GCP there are again some options. Google app engine (GAE) is a great technological option as you can focus on the java application. But as I use server sent events (SSE) I needed to switch to google cloud run (GCR). And happily discovered GCR as the more modern and even cost saving variant.

Blog site MVP

The blog site for is now online as minimum viable product. So Google and the other search engines may crawl their way to guide you to your favorite tool for agile estimations.